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Families Coming Together For Children


Here is The story Of How our Founder Cristina Medina, found inspiration through Service.

How love for her neighbor, freed her from the prison of depression. How Love continued to grow inside her, consuming her, until she was moved to act. Love empowered her to Begin what seemed like an impossible feat, begining her own non-profit. as love replaced doubt, she acted. what began as simply a thought, began to take hold. Seeing the immense need of her neighbors forced her onward. Cristina let love lead, to move her every action and it took her non-profit from simply a thought to one of the fastest growing non-profit organizations in Utah.

At one point in life, Cristina found herself, kept prisoner, A prisoner to pain and endless torment, a prison of the worst kind. she was a prisoner in her own mind. No matter how hard she tried to break through- the force that held her captive- would not free her. the force was all consuming and there was no escape from it, no relief. Cristina was overcome with A force so strong it consumed her every thought and movement- that force was depression, depression fueled by trauma she had suffered as a teen.  While she battled that significant force, in a moment of weakness, Cristina found herself wondering- was life worth living? Was this life- so full of pain and sorrow- worth the effort to try?


Cristina began to search for an answer, an answer as to why she had to suffer so much hardship in life. During her quest for answers, she discovered service. The more she served the better she felt. The black hole that consumed her began to show light. Hope was rekindled, that perhaps the force could be kept at bay. Cristina gave her whole heart to serving others and in so doing found herself again. The prison was opened and instead of being filled with darkness, light overcame it, the light of love and service to her neighbor. 


Over the next few years Cristina spent thousands of hours serving her neighbor. She was given the amazing opportunity to be a part of so many great non-profit organizations, that truly served their community. Tabitha's Way, Sub for Santa and in schools were some of the places that truly changed her life. Her true delight was in serving families and especially children. 


While enjoying her many hours of service, Cristina began to notice gaps of needs that were not being filled. Particularly that of gently used items going directly into the hands of families in need. And so, a quest began, Cristina has two sons, each of whom had many nice toys and clothes, she wanted to donate these to a place where they would be placed directly into the hands of children in need. The question that soon consumed her thoughts: where can I go to give my children's gently used items? A place where those items are placed directly into the hands of children in need?


After countless hours of research, she discovered that no such place existed. Of course, there were many non-profit organizations that did help those in need. But none that placed gently used items into the hands of those in need. There was:


 Tabitha's Way: they accept used items but combine it into bulk and sell it as trash.


Sub for Santa: would only accept new toys


Desert Industries: Donations received are re-sold to the public. Vouchers are available in limited quantities but still require the item to be purchased at full price. 


This information was disheartening for Cristina, as she knew two things: 1- there was a surplus of toys and clothing 2- families could benefit greatly from receiving gently used quality items.

One night as she was lying in bed, her thoughts began racing, thoughts about how many families were in need. She knew she had an answer as to help these families and these thoughts refused to leave her mind. The information on how to additionally help her neighbors, became so overwhelming, she was unable to sleep. Cristina was compelled to act and to do so immediately.


Her thoughts gave way to action and Families Coming Together For Children was formed. From that night in 2019 of restlessness, Cristina began to put together her non-profit organization. An organization that focused on: lifting up neighbors who were struggling and equipping them with quality used donations.




The first immediate need Cristina saw was that of presents at Christmas time.  She had seen firsthand when families would come in to Sub for Santa to get qualified for presents for their children, how stressful the holiday's could be. The holidays were truly one of the most stressful times of the year for families who live in poverty. Affording basic necessities was already a burden to these families. To add presents to the list of items to buy, put almost unbearable strain on these families. Often proving to be an impossible task.  Her heart truly broke for the one 8 out of 10 families that were turned away. She saw all the families that were turned away from Sub for Santa and could not imagine being the parent who knows their child will wake up on Christmas morning- with no presents under the tree. She wanted to create an event, where parents could pick out presents for their children. 


Cristina has been involved and graduated with a Bachelor's in Education. Being around students at Christmas time- one thing was always true- every kid discussing what they thought Santa would bring them. Sadness filled her heart, when overhearing discussions like this and knowing that all families could not afford presents. She wanted to host an event for the children, to ensure no child was left without a present on Christmas. To put a smile on their face and let the holiday magic find them, no matter the circumstance they find themselves in.


The first event that was created and produced took place in 2019. With the generosity of the venue: Peeteetneet Museum. The many wonderful volunteers, especially her family and the countless quality donations from the community. The first event was a huge Success.


1st Event 2019 At The Peeteetneet Museum in Payson Utah

2nd Event 2021-
River Bridge Event Center 

3rd Event 2022- White Shanty

4th Event 2023-
Copper Creek Event Center

From that first Christmas event in 2019, Families Coming Together For Children has hosted 3 more Christmas events. Each one more successful than the last and far exceeding anticipated numbers.



Seeing the happiness in the eyes of families, hearing their stories and how thankful they are, has inspired Cristina to continue her non-profit. She is so excited to look towards the future of what is possible and how many more families can be helped. 


Having seen the overwhelming and immense needs of families in Utah- Families Coming Together For Children- has implemented two new programs: quarterly clothing events and one-on-one long term sustained life improvement plans for families.



"Without our team of wonderful volunteers, we could not possibly accomplish all that we have, volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization! To the hundreds of volunteers that have volunteered their time and efforts to help those struggling in our community:




To my incredible family - without your continued support- this organization would not exist. Your unconditional love will forever encourage me and drive me forward.



Meet the Team

The following individuals are the heart of our nonprofit and spend countless hours to make it successful!

Each Member believes in Two Core Truths:

1- Family is the important aspect of our lives!

2- Everyone Needs help at one point in their lives- don't judge-help!

We Would Like To Give A Huge Thank You To Our Sponsors: Past & Present!
Without You Our Work Would Not Be Possible.

Copy Of Proof of acceptance by IRS as a 501c3 Non-profit Organization

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