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Everyone Needs Extra Help At Some Point In Their Lifes

     Help Establishing A Plan
To Sustained Life Improvement                          

When times are tough, it can be hard to see a way past the everyday obstacles. To find a path where life is not as much of a struggle. To help you obtain this type of life, we work with you to establish a plan. A plan that is sustainable and will lead to major life improvements. 


We meet with you on an individual basis and compassionately listen to your current situation in life. As you talk, we will be listening to identify areas in which we can help you. We will then discuss together any other areas; you feel you could use more help in. Once we have come up with a list of needs, we will connect you with a non-profit organization that specializes in that area. 


We partner with local non-profits that we feel could benefit families that we work with. We have over 2,500 partners, these partners specialize in various areas. All of our partners are either free or extremely discounted. We have reviewed each organization and only partnered with the ones we feel would be most beneficial. Some of our partners include:




Therapy Groups

Support Groups






And many others. We will match each of your needs with an organization and then supply you with the information to contact them. If you choose we will help you connect with these organizations or you can contact them on your own. We will follow up with you every few weeks and ensure you have gotten the help you need, or supply further help if requested.


Clothing  Help For Your Children        

We know that everyday can be a struggle. When money is tight, there seems like bills and needs of your family are never ending. Food, housing and other bills, continue to increase in price. While the money we make seems to remain the same. Families can find themselves having to make tough choices: should I buy food for my family or pay my rent on time. Despite best efforts children's non-essential needs, are often overlooked. One of these needs is clothing. With money being so tight, new clothing for children, seems like an unattainable dream. Children often wear hand-me-downs, outdated fashion, clothing and jackets with tears or use duct tape on shoes. If sounds like your life - we can help


Come To Our Quarterly Clothing Events To Get Quality Clothes For Your Children


Parents can attend this event with their children ages 0 to 18. At the event you will go "shopping" and select from a wide variety of new and quality used clothing. Clothes will be set out in sections according to size. Each child will select 5 outfits. One outfit is considered a pair of pants and a shirt or one pair of formal clothes. Each child will also select two pairs of shoes, one package of new socks and one package of new underwear. There will occasionally be other items for your children to select from- dependent on season event is held in. For example: bathing suit in summer, heavy jacket in winter etc...









We know that one of the most stressful times of the year for families who are struggling, are the holidays. Affording basic necessities can already be a heavy burden. To then afford all that comes with the Holiday's, puts even more strain on families. Leaving many with the feelings that providing everything for their families is an impossible task. It must be heartbreaking for parents, who know their child will wake up on Christmas morning, with no presents under the tree. Making that difficult decision between paying bills and getting your child a present, is so overwhelming. Thats why we believe that there are so many things' families already have to deal with, worrying about presents should not be one of them.


Presents Are Given Out At Our Christmas Event


At our Christmas event you the parent go "shopping" and select from a wide variety of gift options. We do ask for you to come without your children. At the event, tables are set up that have a variety of gift options and are arranged by age. Gifts are bundled together into 1 big gift (example: 2 nerf guns with bullets and shooting target). You the parent then select one gift per child in your family ages 0 to 18.

You are then given the option to have your gifts wrapped by volunteers. Then you take the present home and decide if you want it to be from you or Santa or anyone else- it's your decision.

        Holiday Help For Your Children:

 For Help With: Establishing A Plan To Sustained Life Improvement                          

                                Contact Us By Text Or E-mail
To Schedule A One-On-One At A Time That Works Best For You

 (801) 636-0869

 For Help With: Clothing - Holiday - Birthday - For Your Children                                     

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